This year, as the year is drawing to a close, I wanted to review and remember my top ten posts. Now, I have only been blogging for about six months, so this isn’t even a year’s worth of posts. But in those six months I have learned a lot about what it takes to create blog posts. Some things I’ve learned include remembering to whom I’m writing, why I’m writing, and what my goal in writing is. In the spirit of all the top 10 lists out there, I offer my top 10 posts since I started blogging. These were chosen by my fabulous readers. If you haven’t read one of these posts, click on the picture as a shortcut to the post.
So, here we go.
My number ten post this year was:
In this post I share some of the things I’ve learned that help children, specifically toddlers, make it through the craziness of the Christmas season.
My number nine post was:

This post emphasizes that gratitude is something we should always practice if we want our children to display the trait.
My number eight post was:
When girls get to that almost tween stage buying gifts for them becomes more tricky. This post was my list of gifts for girls in this difficult age.
My number seven post was:

This post was written after an incredibly busy day, spent playing with my children. And while my home wasn’t company ready at the end of it, my house had a fantastic message for me.
My number six post was:
We made seven homemade ornaments for our Christmas tree this year. We had a great time doing each one of them, but my readers’ favorite ornament was the Toilet Paper Roll Angle Ornament.
My number five post was:
Every toddler goes through an exploration stage, and in this post I write about some of the way’s I try to tame the tornado.
My number four post was the very first I ever wrote:
I wrote about how my family and I work together to keep laundry monster in check. Truly, it takes the family to keep the family’s clothes clean and folded.
My number three post was:
In this post I wrote about how each child in each family is completely unique and comparing siblings against each other, or against other people’s children, just fosters an environment of competition. Children need to loved for who they truly are, and not for who parents wish they would be.
My number two post:

This was a science experiment that my fourth grader thought of and wanted to do one day after school. And while Mommy tried to help her keep the variables the same, the development, measurement, and completion of the experiment were done by her.
And my number one post, by a long ways, thanks to some awesome bloggers who pushed it along, was:
This post is about how to create a level of trust and communication with toddlers when they reach the stage of independence versus dependence. It happens, for some, when the baby is two, and for others at three or even 18 months. Our culture calls this time the “terrible twos” and it can be a rough time for parents and children. More than 7,000 people read this post, and I am grateful to everyone of them! (Let me clarify that the diaper on this baby girl is clean, I placed a filter on the photo that I thought matched the mood, without realizing the unfortunate placement of some spots.)
It’s been a fantastic six months of writing, learning, crafting, parenting, and teaching. I hope to keep writing for more years to come. If you have any ideas for posts that you’d like me to write about, I’d love to hear them. Let me know, either by a comment below, or an e-mail. Thanks for reading and joining me on this adventure. I hope you all have a fantastic New Year full of love, kindness, and success.
I’ve loved reading all your tips and posts! Number 1 is definitely my favorite too since I am going through those right now. I can’t wait to see what you share in 2015
I’m so glad you enjoyed the list. Thank you for spending time with my ideas. I appreciate your comments and your visits.