Wahoo! We made it! Our baby turned one year old today. This milestone opens up an entire new world of food choices and behavior adventures. It also marks the end of her infant stage and the start of her babyhood. We’ll see more teething, more babblings, first steps, first words, and of course first tantrums. So, today we celebrated. We celebrated her first tooth, her first autonomous movements, first smile, first laugh, first playdate, and so much more. Babies grow so much in the first year. They go from this tiny, soft, demanding, fascinating, amazing, completely dependent being to an active, curious, mischievous, delightful, demanding, amazing, and working-toward-independence toddler.
We started out the morning with mom actually doing a little bit of cleaning upstairs, while the big kids kept an eye on the baby. Well, that didn’t go as well as mom hoped. I came downstairs and found the baby eating the water colors. Fortunately, the water colors were non-toxic – I just hope the paint will come out of her cute outfit.
After the clean-up, we spent the rest of the day playing with her, building her birthday cake, and wrapping presents.
We made the baby’s favorite dinner – pasta and corn. Then we proceeded to have a low-key party. We invited grandma to join us via Skype. We opened half a dozen gifts – she is only one after all. And had a fun time watching her thoroughly enjoy and explore each gift. She struggled with the idea of opening the gift wrap, but she figured out that there were good things inside the brightly colored packages.
She seemed to really and sincerely enjoy each gift she received. And as much as an official one-year-old can say thank you, she did.
What follows is a short gallery of photos of her enjoying some of her gifts. I hope you all enjoy them.
Aw, Happy Birthday to your baby! She is so cute! We just celebrated our son’s first birthday too. It goes by so quickly!
Thanks for the well wishes. I hope your son’s day was also fun and happy. And yes, they all grow up too fast. Thanks for coming by.
Happy birthday baby girl! We miss getting g to watch her grow and learn new things. I’m glad she had a fun day.
Thanks for the well wishes. We miss you all too. Thanks for reading up on us!
Didn’t see any of the presents I gave her!
The presents were saved for when her aunties could visit. I’ll be posting an update shortly. Thanks for reading and for being a fantastic grandma!
Aww, she is adorable! It’s always a little bittersweet, I think, when our babies start to grow up.
here via the Manic Mondays Blog Hop
Thanks for hopping by. And thanks for liking my baby. Thanks for your comments, too!
Awww…she’s precious! Happy birthday to her.
Thanks so much! I love it when other people like my baby.
Thanks for the comment!