1. Thanks Deb! I really needed to hear this today :) you are so wonderful! I love you! Happy mother’s day to one of the greatest examples of a mother I know!!


    1. Oh, Tamra, you are so kind. I’m glad what I wrote was what you needed. I’m so excited for you and your coming little one! You are fabulous. I love you too! :)


  2. Deborah, very well written and perfect post. I hope ALL women read this. It is so true that mothering is a huge learning curve: no kid comes with an instruction book, each kid is unique and doesn’t follow what you learned with the least one, agency plays a huge role and each is human bringing all that with it… Your point is so true; as a new mother or a seasoned one, be kind to yourself, allow yourself to feel the love from family and others they offer and especially that from God as He thanks you. Keep up the tremendous work you are doing here on your blog Deb! Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow


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