Saturday Evening Family-Friendly Free-For-All (Week Forty)

Mommy Crusader Saturday Evening Family Friendly Free For All 2 Comments

Thanks for visiting my linky party!  I will spend the week visiting each and every one of your posts, and leaving comments, sharing, liking, and pinning.  I will feature my favorite posts next Saturday during the next Saturday Evening Family-Friendly Free-For-All. I will send out an e-mail to every person who submits a link reminding them about the party when it goes live Saturday Evening.

The Jenny Evolution‘s kids had a LOT of fun playing in the mud!  This is a great activity!  Stop by and read: Muddy Sensory Play.

Growing Book by Book helped her kiddos learn the letters in their name by using trains.  What a great activity!  Stop by and read: Learning Your Name Freight Train.

Crystal and Comp made Minion Puff Paint!  This is an easy, fun activity that your kids will love!  Stop by and read Minion Puff Paint!

1) Please post your own two Favorite Family-Friendly Posts from this week.

2) Please visit several other posts in the link-up, if you can, and show them some love by commenting and sharing, etc.

3) Please sign up for my newsletter.

4) Please tweet and facebook share about this link-up party so that others can join.

5) Please grab the button and place it with your other linky party buttons.

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Comments 2

    1. Post
      Mommy Crusader

      Carrie, We have been having a very busy and unpredictable summer — as evidenced by the lateness of my reply. I hope the school year brings some more structure and routine to our days. I hope your summer has been fantastic. Thank you for your continued support. 😉

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